We have the Island covered!
For all of your computer needs, call or text me at 705-282-4061
Wednesday, September 01, 2021 8303
Good morning! October 3rd 2021, I will be disconnecting 705-377-7363 which was my business number for the last 20 years! It may be a mistake, but it will save me $100.00 a month! My cell number and new business number is 705-282-4061... Please make note of my new number. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you! I appreciate you all
2018-01-25, Rusty Auxier
Visit your hardware manufacturers website for updated drivers...NOWHERE ELSE!
2018-01-25, Rusty Auxier
Visit this website and enter your products model number...this is "the horses mouth"!
2017-08-08, Rusty Auxier
Make sure to visit the official Adobe website to update your flash player! DO NOT click on the Download link in that popup! Visit Adobes website by visiting https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ Also, don't forget to uncheck any un-needed or un-wanted additions to your download, like the McAfee Security Scan or Safe Connect...
Super User

New Linux Exploit... what you need to know!

SpeakUp Linux Backdoor Sets Up for Major Attack